Saturday 22 August 2009

School’s OUT!

June 6, 2009

Another year, come and gone, another school year survived. It feels good to finally be a junior, to be THAT much closer to getting out of here, it's exciting! Not to mention, my whole family, Mom included, needs a break, so summer vacation is very much welcome here, right now.
But still, changes are in the air...
Another school year over and done with means I'm half-done with HS, as well as many of my friends. Still more of my friends are finishing their last and, come fall, will be banished going to college or whatever.  Possibly even more will be embarking on their last year of high school, and, this time next year, will be kicked out spread their wings and fly...
It's been nice knowing ya, guys!
Still, it's kind of intimidating, knowing that I'm a junior, now, my brother's are going to be in 8th and 5th, and my sister will be a 6th grader. Man, I remember when I couldn't WAIT to be a 6th grader, it wasn't all that great, really... and now look at me! My momma's right, you blink, and *enter number here* years go by!
Looking to the future...
So, since I'm a junior now, I get the feeling that these next few years will probably either crawl by or they'll go faster than initially expected, and I'm going to have to trust the Lord through it all, or I'll never get anywhere. God has gotten me this far, and I have to trust Him to guide me through the rest of my life, whether I have two more years, or five, or fifty, or one hundred years left.
I don't know how many people know this, but I can be a bit of a worrier, sometimes. Right now, the main worries are:
A. Getting out of school alive
B.  Figuring out what I want to do with my life
C. Being able to get into a half-way decent school
D. Being able to afford to go to college
E. Getting out of college alive
So, yeah, a little worried. At the moment,  though, A and B are the most pressing issues, as HS can be a challenge for me, sometimes. I normally get good grades (And my mom grades me kind of tough), and I'm not really a bad student, but math and I have been sworn nemeses' since the first grade, and I still struggle. And, yeah, it's one subject, but, apparently, you need to have enough of an understanding of algebra to graduate high school/get into college, so, there's that. Also, I have NO idea what I want to do once I get into the "real world", sure, I have stuff that I'm interested, but I keep changing my mind. Right now, I'm thinking that I want to be a lawyer (prosecution, thank you very much), but who KNOWS how long that one will stick. Just a few weeks ago, I wanted to be a missionary (And go preach the gospel in, hopefully, Utah). A year or two ago, horticulture was what I wanted to do. When I was 13, I was convinced I was going to be a dancer, and go to Julliard or Alvin Ailey, or something (Praise the Lord that I came to my senses!)
So, who knows what I'm going to end up doing? Only God, probably, I think I'm pretty much clueless.
Still, being a lawyer's a good idea, and I would love to be able to have a hand with putting criminals in their place, but I don't know. Lawyers aren't always the good guys, no matter whether they're prosecution or defense (Mark Geragos, in my opinion, is sickening, and Gloria Allred is annoying, but those may not be the best examples). I don't know all the details of all this law stuff, so I don't know how I would go about doing all this. That's to say if I ever got in and out of law school (from the impression I have been given, it's expensive, it kills you social life [Not that I have one] and it's takes forever).
But, I digress. God will lead me where I'm supposed to go, and that will have to be enough.
On a lighter note:
Congrats, guys, on another school year completed! Mission accomplished, for now.
I love this song, it makes me happy, even when all I want to do is cry. When I hear it, I can't help but think, "God is good".

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